
Creating a Product Installation Video

I’ve gotten many requests from companies asking, “How much information should I include in a product installation video?”  The simple answer is; depends on the type of product. The better answer is; because the visitor is watching your video online, more than likely the customer just wants the big picture of what’s involved in installing your product. If your product requires complex installation procedures, it’s best to use a printed document or a PDF file.

In an installation video, you have the opportunity to also reinforce your product’s quality by stating benefits and value. Keeping it short. I have seen so many installation videos where they show almost every bolt being inserted, or the process in real time. Forget that! People get that once they have seen one bolt go in, the other 10, 15 or 20 go in the same way.

Brand your videos. Create a graphic and music intro and ending that develops brand familiarity. Here’s an example of removing an old boat seat and replacing it with new seats in less than 4 minutes. The total time to shoot and edit was around 4 hours.